From#a long series#of the view#from my window

My Paintings

Click on the photos below if you would like to see a few samples of my work

My bio

If you to click on the short videos below you can see how I work
Cathedral moods
I had been painting the Notre Dame cathedral that I see from my window in varying light for 7 years.
I was attracted to her old stones imprinted with millions of emotions.
Three weeks before she caught on fire and burned I had stopped painting her.
I began painting imaginary scenes peopled with invisible visitors.
This video shows my final times with the Notre Dame cathedral….until we just might start again.
Cathedral moods
I had been painting the Notre Dame cathedral that I see from my window in varying light for 7 years.
I was attracted to her old stones imprinted with millions of emotions.

Three weeks before she caught on fire and burned I had stopped painting her.
I began painting imaginary scenes peopled with invisible visitors.
This video shows my final times with the Notre Dame cathedral….until we just might start again.
Paris portraits
In my series “Paris Portraits” I am painting 100 standing life size portraits of contemporary artists in Paris: painters, photographers, writers, filmmakers, actors, singers, dancers, musicians, designers, and many more that have come from all parts of the world.
A series of videos are documenting the portrait session. The portraits and videos combine to capture Paris in a temporal way, continually renewing itself by its mythic pull.

“Kathy Burke draws out the quintessence of what her vision singles out to embrace […] mixing warm and cold in accordance with her expressive nature.”

Gerard Xurigueria, Paris art critic
Portrait sessions
I paint the fellow traveler where our paths intersect. The actual posing time in the session is only about an hour.
The portrait advances from the canvas with the intensity of confrontation. The portrait is finished when the painting becomes more alive than the model.
It does not happen gradually. It happens suddenly. I have learned to respect this moment and to stop. A third person steps forward.

"During her brief portrait sessions, with rapid brush stokes wielded like a surgeon’s scalpel […] Kathy Burke succeeds in pulling out the deepest interior of each of her models."

Francis PARENT, Paris art critic
Live painting
…can be part of an event or the event itself …can take place inside or outside or on stage …can be an event for an intimate group or thousands …can be projected on a big screen to be seen by all.

The creative experience is shared with the public as a series of guests are invited to pose for me.

“She captures the peculiarities and attitudes of each one, and translates on canvas the emotions felt at that instant […] Rapidly, the portrait imposes itself.”

Francis COFFRANT, Paris art critic

My Paintings

This is a small introduction to my paintings that keep growing and changing like my 50 years in Paris when I moved from California.
They are landscapes of dreams and fears, populated with nudes, portraits, and even architecture.

If you would like more information please contact me for my CV.
+33 6 74 73 58 80
91 Rue de l'Hôtel de ville, Paris 4ème, France